One Electron specializes in audio circuit design, with an emphasis on vacuum tube designs. Most designs have been targeted to the "high-end" consumer audio market, but One Electron has design capabilities in other areas, such as lower-cost consumer products and pro-audio. Some recent designs include:

One Electron has also designed and built various single-ended tube amplifiers to develop and support its line of output transformers.

A key part of One Electron's stable of test equipment is a fully loaded Audio Precision System Two (Dual Domain Cascade). This instrument permits exceptional tests and measurements to be done in the audio band, and can test and evaluate digital audio interfaces. Testing using the System Two is available on a consulting basis. APWIN programming consulting will be available soon.

Not exactly design services, but still a service is teaching. John Atwood has taught both the construction classes at the Randall Museum (see the Randall Amp write-up) and several classes at Cogswell College in Sunnyvale, California. Classes taught at Cogswell include: Senior Project, Audio with Tubes, and Digital Audio.

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